I suspended my own online classes on September 26th 2021. I am leaving this information up only in case I restart them.

See ONLINE CLASSES for details of the classes I may be teaching for others.


3 pm EDT on some Sundays (That’s Noon in California, 8pm in UK).

Length of class 1.5 hours approx. Doors open 2.55.

DONATIONS. Too many of us are in a bad way for me to require payment to register. But, if you can, please donate what you can via PayPal.Me. (As a guide, $15 would match the full rate of $20 for my 2hr class at Homewood)

Please click the blue link below to Register for the Zoom Meeting.

I expect this class -on the 21st anniversary of my teaching practice- will be my final class for quite a while:

4th Sundays: Sunday September 26th 2021

3 pm EDT  (That’s Noon in California, 8pm in UK).
Length of class 1.5 hours approx. Doors open 2.55.

Once registered, you should receive a Confirmation email with a link to join the Zoom Meeting.  (If you do not receive a confirmation, email me at richard5rhythms@gmail.com well before the class.) If you register and then decide not to come, please let me know.

The music I have used for each Online Class can be found on Online Playlists page.

For those new to the experience, please read the advice below.

I am mixing the music live (rather than using Soundcloud premixes). Generally, desk/laptops work better than iPads & smartphones and I recommend connecting external powered speakers if you can.

Using Video: Bear in mind that if I cannot see you (because your screen is off or you are off-screen), I cannot respond to you. Also, of course, just as on a ‘real’ dance floor, our energy -whether it be wildness, lethargy, distraction, passion- is an offering to others and to our communal self. So unless your living room is in real chaos (children creating mayhem etc), do be visible. Join with video as well as audio and be present with your fellow dancers. Place the camera where a good portion of your space is visible (including some floor if possible). However I recognize that having video off might possibly improve the audio.

For Dancing: Have water ready and minimize distractions (especially noise).Think of your living room as a dance studio. Clear as much space as you can to dance: Clear floor space including rugs or carpet that could slip and move anything your arms might hit. Get some fresh air and do some stretching before dance if you can.

Technical stuff: Close as many unwanted programs/notifications/phones etc as you can. Zoom works best on desktop or laptop. If you use on phone or pad you should download the app in advance (I’m told). This may be a useful link for using Zoom on a smartphone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEQLjLYhuJQ